A Brief Word Study of Signs and Wonders

    When cross referencing the word “miracle” in different dictionaries, we find, as expected that a miracle is an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause.  It has also been defined as an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.  Another dictionary describes a miracle as an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention.  It is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and is so held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God. 
    As we can see, a miracle is supernatural event in the natural realm that defies the laws of physics and science, and is therefore attributed to the involvement of God.
    The Old Testament of the Bible was written in Hebrew and Chaldean, and the New Testament in Greek, which was the common language of the time.  The word for miracle in the original languages of the Bible simply means a wonder or a marvel.   
    A “sign” is that by which anything is known or represented.  It is a symbol, a token or a gesture, used instead of speech. 
    The Greek word for "signs" is semeion, with sema as its primary root.  It means to signify, mark, or indicate.  Later on in this book I will argue from the Bible itself that The Ministry of Signs and Wonders serve to signify something—primarily that Jesus is the Son of God, the Word of God, God in the Flesh and that He died on the cross and rose from the dead and is alive and at work among us today. 
    Signs and wonders are an indication that what we preach is true: that God put on human flesh and dwelt among us.  He allowed Himself to be put to death as punishment of sin—instead of man receiving the punishment of eternal death and hell.  Signs and wonders also indicate that He was resurrected, and by His Spirit, dwells within believers today.   The message of salvation is confirmed by The Ministry of Signs and Wonders. 

    “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation;  which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;  God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?”  (Hebrews 2:4.)
    The Ministry of Signs and Wonders point us to Jesus—to who He is and what He did.

"Miracles for the Multitudes" is a combination of two focal points of Joel Hitchcock's Ministry, namely:

(a) Miracles, Signs and Wonders and (b) Massive Miracle Campaigns

This Blog is based on Dr. Joel Hitchcock's book "Miracles for the Multitudes".  

Copyright since 1999:
All rights reserved under international copyright law. 
Permission to duplicate is hereby granted as long as the complete quote does not exceed more than 1,000 words and that due credit is given to the source.

For the website of the church led by Pastor Joel and Heidi Hitchcock in Georgetown DE, which is an exciting Pentecostal, Charismatic, Word of Faith, Cross-of-Christ preaching church in Sussex County, Delaware, go to www.rivercity.co.

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