Prayer for the Harvest, Salvation and Deeper Dedication

Massive Miracle Campaigns:
Prayer for the Harvest

    Father God, when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion:  The harvest was truly plenteous but the laborers few (Matthew 9:35.)  Jehovah Sabaoth—thou Lord of the Harvest, I pray that you will send forth laborers in to Your harvest (vs. 36.)
    I hear the Lord calling, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Here I am Lord, send me.  Touch my lips with a burning coal from off thy altar (Isaiah 6:5-8,) and set me on fire that I may shine as a burning lamp (John 5:35.)  Show me Lord, what wilt thou have me do? (Acts 8:6.) 
    How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach except they be sent? (Romans 10:14-15.)
    I receive power after that Your Holy Spirit comes upon me, and I will be a witness unto You even the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 21:8.)  Thank you Lord that you go with me, confirming Your Word with signs following (Mark 16:20.)
    In Jesus Name,
The Prayer of Salvation

Father God, I come to you today admitting that I am a sinner.  I am a lost sinner and I cannot save myself.  I need a Savior and His Name is Jesus.  Lord Jesus, come into my life.  Come live in my heart.  You stand at the door and knock.  I hear Your voice and I open the door.  Thank You for coming in.  Wash my sins away with Your precious blood.  Cleanse me and make me brand new.  I repent from my sin.  By Your Holy Spirit You give me power over sin.  For I cannot overcome sin in my own power, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  It is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit that I am able to overcome.  I accept You today Jesus, as my Savior and as my Lord.  Thank You for accepting me and that You will never cast away anyone who comes to you.  Because I believe Your Word is true and that You cannot lie, I can confidently say: I am saved.  I am born again.  I am washed clean in the Blood of Jesus.  My sins are forgiven and I am on my way to heaven.  I have received eternal life.  And with the power of Your Holy Spirit I will continue to serve you and walk with you.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

The Prayer of Deeper Dedication

Father God, I have already accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord.  But Your Word teaches that I should either be cold or hot, but not lukewarm.  I repent of a lukewarm dedication to You.  I ask that the fire of Your Spirit will come upon me this very day.  Baptize me with Your Holy Spirit and fire.  I confess my sins and I ask You for forgiveness.  Thank you that You forgive when I sincerely confess my sins and repent.  I pray that Christ will be manifested in and through my life.  Come Lord Jesus, come and live and dwell and manifest Yourself in and through me by Your Holy Spirit.  May I represent You.  May I influence the world with Your love.  Touch others through me.  I recklessly abandon myself into your hands.  I give you my all, and I hold nothing back.  All I have is yours.  Use me for Your glory.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Friend, if you prayed this prayer sincerely and believing, I believe that God is right now answering your prayer.  Start reading the Bible, get into a Bible believing church, and communicate with God daily.

© 2000 Joel Hitchcock Ministries

All rights reserved under international copyright law.  Permission to duplicate is hereby granted as long as the complete quote does not exceed more than 1,000 words and that due credit is given to the source.   All Scripture from the King James Version unless otherwise noted.  Special thanks to my wife Heidi and also to Charles & Shean Shields and Susan Robinson who assisted in the editing of this book.

"Miracles for the Multitudes" is a combination of two focal points of Joel Hitchcock's Ministry, namely:

(a) Miracles, Signs and Wonders and (b) Massive Miracle Campaigns

This Blog is based on Dr. Joel Hitchcock's book "Miracles for the Multitudes".  

Copyright since 1999:
All rights reserved under international copyright law. 
Permission to duplicate is hereby granted as long as the complete quote does not exceed more than 1,000 words and that due credit is given to the source.

For the website of the church led by Pastor Joel and Heidi Hitchcock in Georgetown DE, which is an exciting Pentecostal, Charismatic, Word of Faith, Cross-of-Christ preaching church in Sussex County, Delaware, go to

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